
The 7th International Workshop on Quantum Energy held in Haikou

( 2017-11-20 )

The 7th International Workshop on Quantum Energy, co-organized by the International Center for Quantum Design of Functional Materials (ICQD) at USTC and the Ministry of Education Key Laboratory of Computational Physical Sciences at Fudan University, partially supported by the School of Materials and Chemical Engineering at Hainan University has been held successfully on November 13-15 in Haikou, Hainan. The workshop brought together more than 100 scientists, young researchers and graduate students, including 14 international experts from US, Germany, Switzerland, Italy and South Korea. Profs. Zhenyu Zhang (USTC), Xingao Gong (Fudan Univ.) and Shiwei Lin (Hainan Univ.) are co-chairs of the workshop.

It is preceded by Quantum Energy I-VI, held in Weihai, Shandong (2011); Yancheng, Jiangsu (2012); Zhengzhou, Henan (2013); Chengdu, Sichuan (2014); Hangzhou, Zhejiang (2015) and Xiangtan, Hunan (2016). The initial motivation of the workshop was to provide a unique platform for the research teams funded by the Key Program on Energy Materials of the National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC) to exchange ideas and progresses with their peers and a selected group of domestic and international speakers. With the awarding of the “111” project on Quantum Design of Novel Energy Materials based at the University of Science and Technology of China (USTC), the workshop has been significantly expanded to also include participants of the oversea and domestic members of the “111” team since 2014.

This workshop was divided into ten main sessions, covering Fundamentals & Methodologies; Band Engineering of Energy Materials; Physics of Energy Conversion Processes; Topological Materials; New Approaches in Materials Discovery; Quantum Aspects of Plasmonics; Light-Matter Interactions in Energy Materials; 2D Materials Beyond Graphene; Perovskite Solar Cells; Physics of Nanofriction. Member of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Prof. Xingao Gong hosted the opening ceremony. Prof. Yucang Zhang from Hainan University, Prof. Shouzhu Zhang from NSFC, Prof. Kai-Ming Ho from Iowa State University & Ames Laboratory gave the welcome remarks respectively.

The scientific program included 24 invited talks and 28 poster presentations on recent theoretical and experimental progress. Invited talks were given by prestigious professors and researchers from all over the world, including Foreign Member of US National Academy of Sciences, Prof. Erio Tosatti from International School for Advanced Studies (SISSA), Italy, Member of US National Academy of Sciences, Prof. Steven G. Louie from University of California at Berkeley, USA, Foreign Member of US National Academy of Sciences, Prof. Michele Parrinello from ETH Zürich, Switzerland, Foreign Member of US National Academy of Sciences, Prof. Jisoon Ihm from Pohang University of Science and Technology, South Korea, Member of Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences and Humanities, Prof. Matthias Scheffler from Fritz-Haber-Institut der Max-Planck-Gesellschaft, Germany, Prof. Efthimios Kaxiras from Harvard Univerisity, USA, Profs. Kai-Ming Ho and Jigang Wang from Iowa State University, USA, Prof. Shengbai Zhang from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, USA, Prof. Feng Liu from University of Utah, USA, Prof. David Tomanek from Michigan State University, USA, Prof. Yanfa Yan from University of Toledo, USA, Dr. Simon Rittmeyer from Technical University of Munich, Germany, Member of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Prof. Hongxing Xu from Wuhan University, Prof. Suhuai Wei from Beijing Computational Science Research Center, Prof. Wenqing Zhang from Southern University of Science and Technology, Prof. Shiwei Lin from Hainan University, Prof. Wanjian Yin from Soochow University, Profs. Zhenyu Zhang, Yi Luo, Bing Wang, Qunxiang Li, Changgan Zeng, Xinguo Ren from USTC.

The closing ceremony began with the best poster award. Nine winners were announced by Prof. Steven G. Louie, and the workshop co-chair, Prof. Xingao Gong. ICQD co-director, Prof. Zhenyu Zhang expressed his thanks to all the attendees, organizers and volunteers. 

List of Best Poster Winners (Alphabetical order)

Mingxing Chen, Hunan Normal University, China

KPROJ: A Program for Unfolding Electronic Bands of Materials

Wenjun Ding, University of Science and Technology of China, China

Predictive Design of Two-dimensional Ferroelectric Materials

Jiqiang Li, Fudan university, China

Ab initio Calculations of Nonradiative Carrier Recombination Rates in Photovoltaic Materials   

Zhenglu Li, University of California at Berkeley, USA

Spins, Pseudospins, and Magnetism in Two-dimensional Materials    

Wei Luo, Fudan university, China

Two-Dimensional Hyperferroelectric Metals: a New Route to Ferromagnetic-Ferroelectric Multiferroics

Tong Wei, University of Science and Technology of China, China

Interfacial Polaron-Mediated Superconductivity in Single Unit-Cell FeSe Grown on SrTiO 

Fan Yang, Hainan University, China

First-principles Study of N Doped 2H-MoSe2 for Efficiency Hydrogen Evolution Reaction

Kaike Yang, Institute of Semiconductors, CAS, China

Dynamical Correction of the Thermoelectric Coefficient  

Zhili Zhu, Zhengzhou University, China

Multivalency-Driven Formation of Te-Based Monolayer Materials: A Combined First-Principles and Experimental Study   

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