
"Topological Superconductivity: Theories and Realizations" Workshop held in USTC

( 2017-06-06 )

The workshop on "Topological Superconductivity: Theories and Realizations" was successfully held in Exhibition Hall, Hefei National Laboratory for Physical Sciences at the Microscale (HFNL) on June 2, 2017. This workshop was co-organized by International Center for Quantum Design of Functional Materials (ICQD) and Key Laboratory of Strongly-Coupled Quantum Matter Physics. The Co-Chairs of the workshop were Prof. Zhenyu Zhang and Prof. Xianhui Chen from USTC.

This workshop has brought together several leading scientists to share their recent research achievements on topological superconductivity materials. The invited speakers on the experimental side included: Prof. Jinfeng Jia from Shanghai Jiaotong University, Prof. Hong Ding’s group from Institute of Physics, CAS, Prof. Qikun Xue’s group from Tsinghua University and Prof. Xianhui Chen from USTC. Prof. Fuchun Zhang from University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Prof. Li Lv and Prof. Jiangping Hu from Institute of Physics, CAS, Prof. Zhenyu Zhang from USTC, Prof. Feng Liu from Utah University, USA, Prof. Xiangang Wan and Prof. Jianxin Li from Nanjing University and Prof. Xincheng Xie from Peking University also gave talks on the theory side. We believe that it promoted the scientific research exchanges and cooperation in the field of topological superconductivity.

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