
The 8th Joint FUDAN-USTC-NJU (FUN) Workshop on Frontiers of Condensed Matter Physics closed successfully in Hefei

( 2015-11-29 )

The 8th Joint FUDAN-USTC-NJU (FUN) Workshop on Frontiers of Condensed Matter Physics—Correlated Electron Systems was held in Hefei during November 19-20, hosted by International Center for Quantum Design of Functional Materials, USTC. The theme of the workshop focused on “Correlated Electron Systems”. More than sixty experts and students from Fudan University, Nanjing University, and USTC attended the workshop.

The workshop opening speech was given by the ICQD member Prof. Jiangfeng Du, Executive Dean of School of Physics, USTC. He warmly welcomed the participants, and emphasized the two meanings of the “FUN” meeting: One is the merging of the initials of the three universities; the other is that Physics is interesting and doing physics is fun. He wished that the workshop can bring the experts together to explore the interesting issues in the forefront of condensed matter physics, and promote the substantial collaborations between experiment and theory though this platform. The FUN workshop series are designed to exchange thoughts and results that are likely to stimulate synergetic collaborations between experiment and theory within the FUN schools and beyond. Unpublished results are particularly emphasized at the workshops.

The workshop program consisted of 17 talks, which covered the fields of experiment and theory in superconductivity materials, complex oxide systems, ferroelectric systems, quantum information sysstems, etc. The invited speakers are Yan Chen, Rui Peng, Yihua Wang, Lifeng Yin, and Yajun Yan from Fundan University, Jianxin Li, Junming Liu, Huaqiang Wang, Huan Yang, and Yuefeng Nie from Nanjing University, and Xianhui Chen, Xinhua Peng, Bing Wang, Tao Wu, Changgan Zeng, and Zhenhyu Zhang from USTC. as invited speakers shared their views, thoughts and gave valuable contributions to academic thinking.

During the Discussion session in Nov. 20, Profs. Xianhui Chen, Donglai Feng, Jianxin Li, Yan Chen, etc. shared their thoughts and views, and gave valuable contributions to academic thinking. Prof. Zhenyu Zhang from ICQD commented in his closing remarks that the FUN VIII was held successfully and the next FUN IX will be hosted by Fudan University.

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