
The 4th International Workshop on Quantum Energy held in Chengdu

( 2014-10-24 )

The 4th International Workshop on Quantum Energy, hosted by the International Center for Quantum Design of Functional Materials (ICQD) at USTC and the Ministry of Education Key Laboratory of Computational Physical Sciences at Fudan University, organized by the School of Physics of Sichuan University, has been held on October 14-17 in Chengdu, Sichuan. More than 80 distinguished scientists, young researchers, and graduate students coming from China, US, Germany, Italy, Singapore and South Korea attended the workshop.

This workshop is preceded by Quantum Energy I-III, held in Weihai, Shandong (2011); Yancheng, Jiangsu (2012); and Zhengzhou, Henan (2013). The initial motivation of the workshop was to provide a unique platform for the research teams funded by the Key Program on Energy Materials of the National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC) to exchange ideas and progresses with their peers and a selected group of domestic and international speakers. With the recent awarding of the “111” project on Quantum Design of Novel Energy Materials based at the University of Science and Technology of China (USTC), this year and beyond the annual workshop is expanded to also include participants of the oversea and domestic members of the “111” team.

Co-Chairs, Prof. Zhenyu Zhang from ICQD, USTC and Prof. Xingao Gong from Fudan University presided over the opening ceremony. Prof. Hong Zhang from Sichuan University and Prof. Shouzhu Zhang, Head of Division I of Physics from NSFC’s Department of Mathematical and Physical Sciences delivered the welcome & opening remarks.  Prof. Shouzhu Zhang highly affirmed the strategic significance of the projects in fundamental energy science and energy device applications. 

The workshop gathered together an eminent group of scholars from all over the world to present their latest research findings that covered 24 interesting topics in various fields of quantum energy, such as solar cell materials, (photo) catalytic materials and new methodology development. The workshop invited speakers included the member of US National Academy of Sciences, Professor Steven G. Louie from University of California at Berkeley, Foreign Academician of US National Academy of Sciences, Prof. Erio Tosatti from International School for Advanced Studies (SISSA),  Academician of Taiwan's Academia Sinica, Prof. Mei-Yin Chou from Institute of Atomic and Molecular Sciences, Academia Sinica & Georgia Institute of Technology, Academician of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Prof. Xueming Yang from Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics, CAS.

To enable greater participant engagement in the workshop, a poster session was arranged on 5:00 pm -6:30pm, October 15. Totally fourteen posters were exhibited during that period.  The attendees had an effective communication on the present research progress.

The 4-day workshop on quantum energy provided a forum for leading theoreticians and experimentalists working in different aspects of advanced materials for clean energy to gather and exchange ideas, visions, and latest research excitements. It was an important promotion to the international cooperation and interdisciplinary studies between China and other countries.


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