
Research group for Quantum control on the single-molecular scale received 2014' Outstanding Science and Technology Achievement Prize of the CAS

( 2015-02-02 )

The Research group for Quantum control on the single-molecular scale led by Academician Jianguo Hou won the 2014' Outstanding Science and Technology Achievement Prize of the Chinese Academy of Sciences on January 29, 2015.  Prof. Chunli Bai, President of CAS presented this award.

Matters on the single-molecular scale have rich structures, functions and unique quantum properties. They are promising building blocks for future quantum information technologies and may play significant roles in novel materials for new energy. Aiming to solve fundamental issues and problems in this field, since 1997, the research group has been devoted to the study of the single-molecular systems and has made aseries of important scientific discoveries and innovative contributions. Especially in the last 5 years, the group has further developed important techniques and theoretical methods for detection, manipulation and control of quantum states on single-molecular scale. The major achievements include: realization of single-molecule Raman spectromicroscopy with subnanometer resolution which is a breakthrough in optical microscopic techniques; realization of novel single-molecule devices with designed functions through single-molecule chemistry; identification and verification of microscopic mechanisms for surface catalytic reactions on the single-molecular level; proposal of a novel mechanism for photo-catalytic water splitting using infrared light. The innovative achievements were highly reviewed and valued by the science community and have been elected top 10 breakthroughs in science and technology of China for 3 times. The research group has become an internationally well-known group with high prestige at the leading edge of single-molecule sciences.

The outstanding contributors of this research group are Jianguo Hou (ICQD Co-Director) and Jinlong Yang (ICQD Scientist). Other members include Bing Wang, Zhenchao Dong (ICQD Scientist), Xiaoping Wang, Yi Luo (ICQD Scientist), Jin Zhao (ICQD Scientist), Zhenyu Li, Aidi Zhao and Bin Li.

The CAS Outstanding Achievement Prize in Science and Technology is for those individuals and/or groups who have made significant achievements in scientific and technological innovations during the last five years. The prize is awarded once every year and no more than 10 winners will be awarded each time.


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