
The 5th FUDAN-USTC-NJU (FUN) Workshop on Frontiers of Condensed Matter Physics held successfully in Suzhou

( 2014-05-21 )
The 5th FUDAN-USTC-NJU (FUN) Workshop on Frontiers of Condensed Matter Physics was held at Suzhou Nanlin Hotel from May 17-18, sponsored by International Center for Quantum Design of Functional Materials, USTC. The overarching theme of the conference was “Novel Energy Materials and Dynamical Processes”. More than sixty experts and students from Fudan University, Nanjing University, USTC and Soochow University turned out for the meeting.

The conference program consisted of six sessions, which covered the fields of novel solar materials, CdTe film solar cell, silicon solar cells, photocatalytic and photovoltaic semiconductors, etc. Xingao Gong (Fudan University), Yi Xie (USTC), Yong Zhou (Nanjing University), Honghe Zheng (Soochow University) and other 11 prominent speakers shared their views, thoughts and gave valuable contributions to academic thinking.

Prof. Zhenyu Zhang from ICQD commented in his closing remarks that the next FUDAN-USTC-NJU (FUN) Workshop on Frontiers of Condensed Matter Physics will be hosted by Fudan University.

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