
Prof. Xiaocheng Zeng elected Fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry

( 2013-08-05 )




ICQD’s member Xiaocheng Zeng, Ameritas Distinguished University Professor of Chemistry at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, has been elected as a fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry recently.

The RSC is one of the most recognized science societies in the world. Scientists either in UK or other countries who have made outstanding contributions to chemistry, may be elected for Fellows of the Society.Be part of the largest organisation in Europe for advancing the chemical sciences, the RSC was established in 1841 and today has 47,500 members from diverse areas of the chemical sciences.

Xiaocheng Zeng, ICQD scientist, Ameritas University Professor: One of the university’s most respected scientists, Prof. Zeng has earned international attention for his work as a theoretical chemist. He is one of UNL’s most productive scholars, with SCI papers published a total of 325, and many of his papers appear in journals of international stature such as Nature, Science, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, Journal of the American Chemical Society,Nano Letters,ACS NANO and Physical Review Letters. He also has built a record as an outstanding instructor, having graduated 6 masters and 15 doctoral students and trained 24 postdoctoral co-workers.

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