
Prof. Yanming Ma: CALYPSO晶体结构预测方法及其在氢笼合物高温超导体研究中的应用 (2019/12/30)

( 2019-12-30 )





Prof. Yanming Ma

Jilin University


9:45am, December 30, 2019


Room 2105 at the Second Teaching Building

Brief Bio of the Speaker

Prof. Yanming Ma (http://mym.calypso.cn) received his Ph.D degree from Jilin University, China, in 2001. He then spent several years in National research council of Canada, ETH of Zurich, RIKEN of Japan, Hongkong University for long-term postdoctoral or short-term collaboration researches. He is currently Tang Aoqing Professor of Jilin University and dean of college of physics in Jilin University. His research interests mainly focus on development of simulation methods on prediction of atomistic structures and calculations of electronic structures, and exploration of exciting physics of condensed matters under high pressure. He and his team have developed an efficient CALYPSO method and its same-name code for structure prediction based on swarm intelligence algorithm. Prof. Ma received several prestigious awards (e.g., Distinguished Young Scientist Award and Changjiang Scholar Award, etc) in China, “Jamesion” award from the international association for high-pressure science and technology, and“Walter Kohn” Prize from ICTP and Quantum Espresso Foundation.

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