
Prof. Bing Huang: Design of Ideal Topological Semimetal: From Triple-point to Dirac-Nodal-Sphere (2018/06/11)

( 2018-06-04 )


Design of Ideal Topological Semimetal: From Triple-point to Dirac-Nodal-Sphere


Prof. Bing Huang

Beijing Computational Science Research Center



2:00pm, June 11, 2018


Room 9004 at the HFNL building

Brief Bio of the Speaker

黄兵,中国工程物理研究院北京计算科学研究中心特聘研究员。2005年本科毕业于吉林大学物理学院,2010年博士毕业于清华大学物理系(顾秉林、段文晖院士研究组)。2010-2015年期间曾在美国再生能源国家实验室,橡树岭国家实验室和犹他大学进行博士后研究。黄兵长期从事半导体电子结构方面的理论研究,围绕半导体物理中的基础科学问题,在对半导体的掺杂效应、合金的相图调控、拓扑材料的自旋输运和电子态调控等方面取得了多项重要成果。至今已在Phys. Rev. Lett.Phys. Rev. XNature Comm.Science AdvancesJACSNano Letters等期刊发表论文60余篇,被引用3000次,H因子292018年任中央军委科技委基础加强重点项目("国防973")首席科学家。


Topological semimetals (TSMs) have attracted great attentions in condensed matter physics. However, the search of ideal TSMs that only the desired quasi-particles can exist around the Fermi level is still a big challenging. Taking triple-point TSM as an example, we demonstrate that the band crossing between antibonding s orbtial and bonding p orbital along a C3v symmetry can realize an ideal triple-point band crossing. By considering the general band formation model around conduction band minimum and valence band maximum in an ionic semiconductor, we have successfully targeted the ideal triple-point TSMs in NaCu3Te2 family compounds. Thanks to the ideal band crossing properties, we can further analysis the evolution of Fermi arc from Dirac to triple-point to Weyl semimetals for the first time. Recently, we have also extend the band crossing model from 0D point or 1D line to a 2D sphere in a 3D crystal, which may form a Dirac-nodal-sphere (DNS) system with unusual electronic properties. We also suggested several material candidates to realize such DNS states.


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