
Major Research Directions & Trusts

( 2008-07-01 )


Research focus of ICQD at the initial stage is quantum transport, quantum magnetism & spintronics, nanoclusters &nanocatalysis, nanoplasmonics, and clean energy. Nowadays, these five fields belong to the frontier of physics, chemistry and material science, and have the intense intersections and correlations. Their development both is gestated in the significant breakthroughs of basic science, and has the prospective mission of protecting national interest and promoting world peace. With the development of the Center and the evolution of the relevant disciplines, the main direction of ICQD also will make its corresponding expansion and adjustment.

The above five fields are as follows:

Quantum transport: conductivity of low-dimensional and strong correlated systems; molecular electronics; first-principles design of nano-electronic devices; etc.

Quantum magnetism & spintronics: basic studies of from magnetic atom to micro magnetism system; magnetic semiconductor; spin dissipation mechanism; spin dynamics; spin Hall effect; etc.

Nanoclusters &nanocatalysis: quantum design and synthesis of novel nanoclusters; physical and chemical properties of nanoclusters and other nano or quantum materials, particularly catalytic properties closely related to environment.

Nanoplasmonics: nonlinear optical properties of new metallic nanomaterials; mechanism and application of surface enhanced Raman spectra; single molecular detection.

Clean energy: aim to development and application of functional materials that can improve the solar absorption rate; absorption and decomposition mechanism of water; Hydrogen production and storage; etc.

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